
Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH

Hintern Hecken 3, 39179 Barleben, Germany


Company Profile

Company Presentation (eng. PP)
Firmenpräsentation (de. PP)

Laempe & Mössner Group is an international operating company for the field of project planning, construction, assembly and manufacturing of machines for the foundry industry.

Facts and Figures

Employees: approx. 300

Turnover: approx. € 55 m

Representations & Partners: more than 20 represantations worldwide

Installed Machinery: approx. 16.000


Product Range
Smart solutions for foundries - Our product portfolio

Product range - Core Shooters
We offer solutions - especially for different customer needs

Peripheral Equipment
Peripheral equipment - High level of flexibility for our customers


Products - Automation

  • Smart automation solutions with flexible handling, robotic and conveyor systems
  • simulation and optimization of process and material flow in 3D
  • Turnkey core package assembly
  • Production Data Collection (PDC)

Products - Cast cleaning

  • Highly flexible and automated fetting systems
  • High level of operational safety due to sound absorbing housing
  • Automated separation and transporting of swarf and flash
  • Automated tool changing

Products - Low pressure die casting

  • For the production of light metal cast parts in dies and in sand molds
  • The machines are characterised by high precision with mechanical movements and at the pressure control during the casting process
  • The versatile control protects a reproducibly high quality also for complex castings


Hintern Hecken 3
39179 Barleben

Telephone +49 (0) 39202 / 692-0

Press Releases & News

Laempe Secures Significant Order from William Lee Ltd., a Castings PLC Group Subsidiary

The order comprises two state-of-the-art core shooters with integrated gas gener...

Laempe erhält wichtigen Auftrag von William Lee Ltd. einer Tochtergesellschaft der Castings PLC Gruppe

Der Auftrag stellt die erste Phase der Kernherstellung im Zusammenhang mit der j...

Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH Boosts Productivity at Drysdale Brothers with Advanced Core Production Conversion

when converting core production from the Croning process to the faster and mor...
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