Topic Pressure Die Casting Neuste Videos Foundry Corporate News Highlight Video

With FRECH through the Day

Lesedauer: min

Whatever we do. Die-cast parts accompany us throughout the day – as you can take from the blue spots in the movie. Opening doors, windows and furniture. In the bathroom, in the kitchen and when retrieving e-mails. When opening the car, in road traffic, at school, at work, in the Metro and at the end of the working day when we relax with good music.

Without castings no automobile moves, no aircraft is flying. Even in space stations, doctor´s surgeries and operations theatres they are indispensable.

Die-cast parts ensure functionalities, and very often they are of outstanding beauty.

On machinery of the FRECH GROUP they can be manufactured cost-effectively: faster, better and with resource protection in mind.

Experience a day with us and follow the blue spots.



Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG

Schorndorfer Straße 32
73614 Schorndorf-Weiler

Telefon: +49 (0)7181 70 20
