
VDMA THERMPROCESS FORUM at Düsseldorf’s leading trade fair THERMPROCESS from 12 to 16 June 2023

Call for Papers – contributions on the topics of energy transition and energy-efficient, sustainable thermoprocessing technology wanted

Pressemitteilung | Lesedauer: min | Bildquelle: Thermprocess

12 to 16 June 2023 will see the world’s leading trade fairs GIFA, METEC, THERPROCESS and NEWCAST open their doors in Düsseldorf again. Accompanying THERMPROCESS, the 13th International Trade Fair and Forum for Thermoprocess Technology, the THERMPROCESS FORUM will be held from 10.30 am to 4.00 pm on 13 and 14 June 2023. The German Engineering Association (VDMA Metallurgy) calls upon all companies exhibiting at THERMPROCESS 2023 to contribute to the FORUM with their ideas and lectures.  

All four leading trade fairs will be focusing on the mega themes ecoMetals, circular economy and the decarbonisation of the metal and steel industries. These will also be centrestage at the THERMPROCESS FORUM with the following focal themes:

  • Flexible and resilient processes and technologies for new global challenges,
  • Energy-efficient, sustainable and low-pollution thermoprocessing technology for effective climate protection,
  • Digitalization of processes and plants
  • Contribution of thermoprocess technology to recycling for an integrated circular economy
  • Tapping into productivity potential with innovative technical solutions

The programme of the THERMPROCESS FORUM promises to host exciting discussions with its themed day on the ‘energy transition’ right at the opening on 12 June. Here light is shed especially on the scientific, political and regulatory aspects for the thermoprocess sector. The second part held on 13 and 14 June will revolve around current developments in the industry.  

Designed as a supporting event to the trade fair the FORUM provides all exhibitors at THERMPROCESS 2023 with the opportunity to present their technology innovations and, hence, their company to a wider audience. The conceptual sponsor of the THERMPROCESS FORUM is VDMA Metallurgy. In cooperation with “Forschungsgemeinschaft Industrieofenbau” (Research Association of Industrial Furnace Manufacturers – FOGI), it also acts as the organiser of this event. For each lecture a slot of around 30 minutes including Q&A is foreseen. The presentation language at the THERMPROCESS FORUM will be English. Trade visitors to GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST can attend the Forum at no charge using their admission tickets.  

For more information and registrations for VDMA’s THERMPROCESS FORUM contact Ingrid.kirchner(at)

Registration deadline is 30 November 2022.

In the event of overbookings we are unfortunately compelled to accept registrations on a first-come, first-served basis.

Since 1974 the international trade fair with Forum THERMPROCESS has been a guarantor for innovative thermoprocess technology. Technology trends and solutions for the production and use of industrial furnaces and heat generation plants provide the highest degree of information for the expert audience. Its ranges include industrial furnaces, industrial heat treatment plants and thermal processes, plants for special applications, construction elements and equipment as well as operating and auxiliary material, occupational safety and ergonomics. 5,923 trade visitors, over 50% of whom came from abroad, as well as 337 exhibitors from 34 countries took part in THERMPROCESS 2019.
