Foundry Corporate News VDMA Member reports


Dr. Ing. Timo Würz – an Introduction (-video)

Lesedauer: min

Just two weeks ago Dr. Würz started officially in office and is already travelling throughout Europe.

The Foundry-Planet Team enjoyed his editorial visit in Füssen/Germany.

Dr. Würz has to face a lot of tasks in the mission areas of VDMA and CEMAFON as successor of retired Dr. Gutmann Habig as managing director of:

  • Foundry Machinery
  • Metallurgical Plants and Rolling Mills
  • Thermo Process Technology

within the German Engineering Federation VDMA and as General Secretary of

  • CECOF - Committee of Industrial Furnace and Heating Equipment
  • CEMAFON - European Foundry Suppliers Association and
  • Director of EU Metallurgy - European Metallurgy Suppliers Association.

41 years old family man Timo Würz is well prepared to work.

Würz was born in Frankfurt. After graduating in mechanical engineering at the Technical University Darmstadt with a doctorate, he first worked in the research sector focusing on production technology. Since 2000 he has been head of the Research and Technology department of the German Machine Tool Builders' Association (VDW) and Managing Director of VDW Research Institute. In 2008 he assumed further responsibility as Deputy Managing Director of VDW.

"Besides economical and technological key issues, energy and resource conservation will be highly interesting challenges", Würz pointed out.

He also considered  an important part of his new tasks will be to represent the sector vis-à-vis politics, investors and the public. He has also committed himself to a continuously intensifying technical representation and to further development of the wide range of services for the member companies in the fields of market analysis, statistics, and export events for the sector.

Good Luck Dr. Ing Timo Würz !

For further information about VDMA - click here
For further information about CEMAFON - click here
