Foundry Corporate News Topic Melting Shop Topic Pressure Die Casting

StrikoWestofen Group: 70-ton aluminum furnace shipping out of Zeeland

Lesedauer: min

Zeeland’s StrikoDynarad last week readied a 70-ton aluminum furnace for shipment. For some perspective, that’s 140,000 pounds — heavier than a U.S. Army M1 Abrams Tank and about the top weight of a North Atlantic right whale.
StrikoDynarad specializes in devices that melt and handle molten aluminum. But this was a special project.

“It’s the biggest we’ve built so far,” said Martain Reeves, managing director of StrikoDynarad. “We’ve been working on this project for over a year.”
The build phase of the project — separate from its design — took a full six months, he said.

The furnace is now shrink-wrapped, sitting on rails in Zeeland, and will be pulled by train to Mexico City for an undisclosed client in the manufacturing industry. Reeves said his shop will manufacture another furnace next year. Two others are being built by his parent company in Europe, he said.

Michigan’s Striko-Westofen-Dynarad Furnace Corp. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Gummersbach, Germany-based StrikoWestofen Group, which specializes in aluminum.


StrikoWestofen GmbH

Carl-Zeiss-Str. 12
51674 Wiehl

Telefon: +49 2261 7091–0
