GIFA 2019 Foundry Corporate News Topic Simulation

MAGMA at GIFA 2015 in Düsseldorf, on June 16-20, 2015

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On the MAGMA stand 12A20 in hall 12 visitors can discover the next generation of simulation software for process optimization of all casting applications. Visiting our stand at GIFA gives you the chance to get comprehensive information about the benefits and the numerous new capabilities in store for you in the field of optimizing casting layouts and processes. In dialogue with you, we would like to illustrate how the software can be profitably applied, also especially for smaller foundries.
MAGMA  5 - Metalcasting. Understanding. Robustness. Profitability.
With MAGMA  5 Release 5.3, you can experience virtual experimentation and automatic optimization on-screen for the first time. Robust process conditions and optimized solutions for casting layouts and part production can be determined before the first casting is produced. This enables you to use simulations in a virtual proving ground to pursue different quality and cost objectives simultaneously.
MAGMA – Casting Fascination
We will present you with the latest developments for the quantitative prediction of as-cast and heat-treated properties for aluminum, cast iron and steel castings. New capabilities allow the optimization of the heat treatment process for ADI (austempered ductile iron).
For steel castings, you can prevent filling-related sand and reoxidation inclusions, simulate macro-segregation, and predict microstructures resulting from heat treatment. For investment and ingot castings, our software allows you to additionally consider different radiation conditions and shadowing effects by means of a new radiation model.
We will show you how to identify thermally induced stresses in castings and permanent molds, for all process steps including heat treatment and machining, to predict crack problems and distortion. In MAGMA  5, you can evaluate simulated distortion results similar to using a coordinate measuring machine and directly compare them with real measurements. The software also allows evaluating the die life of permanent molds.
Transparency in Core Production
In the new MAGMA C+M version, we have realized numerous new options to predict and optimize core production processes. This allows simulating the core shooting, gassing and hardening of organic and inorganic cores. For the optimized layout of core boxes and production processes, new criteria are available for the evaluation of both the core shooting and the gassing processes as well as for the prediction of core box wear. Air and sand flows can now be effectively visualized by means of virtual tracer particles.
Communication is the Key to Success
At GIFA, MAGMA will introduce you to entirely new and innovative solutions to ensure the exchange of information. This relates to simulation and optimization results within foundries as well as with both casting designers and casting consumers. Thereby, MAGMA  5 results are easily and interactively available to you - anywhere within your company and at any time.
Optimized High Pressure Die Casting and Continuous Casting Processes
We will provide you with insights into future solutions for high pressure die casting and continuous casting processes. With these developments, the efficient layout and optimization of the entire high pressure die casting process is further simplified. All essential process steps, from the filling of the shot chamber, to the shot curve and die tempering, to spraying, may not only be taken into account, but also be systematically optimized.
Based on long-term cooperation with our industry partners, the program MAGMAcont for the simulation of continuous casting processes will be fully integrated into MAGMA  5 and may be used for aluminum, copper and steel alloys. MAGMAcont will make full use of all capabilities for virtual experimentation and optimization.
MAGMAacademy - Knowledge Creates Added Value!
The opportunities for further education on offer at MAGMA for foundrymen, casting designers and casting consumers will be presented in detail on our stand. In addition to product training courses and workshops for users, the MAGMAacademy also offers special seminars aimed at experts and decision-makers who wish to profit from simulation results.
MAGMA also supports the initiative "Youth-Technology-Future" ("Jugend-Technik-Zukunft"), both with a specific stand of the MAGMAacademy and within the student foundry at GIFA. At both locations, the attractiveness of working as a professional or specialist in the metal casting industry will be illustrated to students, freshmen and apprentices in an entertaining and interactive manner. In this way, the future prospects of the foundry profession for present and future foundrymen will be highlighted.
MAGMA - Very Involved
At the accompanying NEWCAST Forum, MAGMA will give a presentation on "Robust Casting Design by Means of Virtual Experimentation with Casting Process Simulation as a Cornerstone to Innovative Development Processes" (Wednesday, June 17, at 12:00 p.m.). At the METEC trade fair, which takes place in parallel to GIFA, MAGMA experts will give a talk on "Automatic Virtual Optimization of Ingot Casting and Continuous Casting Processes" (Tuesday, June 16, Track F, at 4:20 p.m.).
We are looking forward to seeing you at our stand in Hall 12, Stand A20, talking together and exchanging information with you.


MAGMA Gießereitechnologie GmbH

Kackertstr. 16-18
52072 Aachen

Telefon: +49 (0)241 88901 0
