
Italian steel output up by 37pct YoY in 5 months

Lesedauer: min

According to the statistics released by the Italian steel producers' association Federacciai, Italian steel industry has produced over 11.2 million tonnes during the first 5 months of 2010, up by 37.8% YoY.

Mr Giuseppe Pasini president of Federacciai said that "There but seems to have been a solid foundation when you consider what is happening beyond the Italian borders. In Germany, for example, in the first four months of 2010, steel production grew by 61.9% and the EU itself has scored a 44.3%.

He added that "The concerns of Federacciai for Italian steel industry is the inability to defend European trade unbalanced attacks and the threat to competitiveness businesses. Hence our request to the European Commission because assumes responsibility to restructure the trade defense instruments that exist today, primarily anti dumping."

Mr Pasini said that "We ask the government to defend itself in Europe's competitiveness of our companies and our economy by fighting unfair competition, targeting Europe to environmental policies more 'realistic and more fair."
