
International 49th Foundry Conference Portoroz

9th – 11th September 2009

Lesedauer: min

„Research Projects and development for the future of foundries“


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The Slovenian Foundry Society invited to the “International 49th Foundry Conference” which was held from September, 09th to 11th 2009 in Portorož / Slovenia. Every year this conference is placed on the best seaside of Slovenia, in Portorož, the beautiful place on the coast.

About 250 foundrymen and –women from Europe and other countries (farthest visitors came from India) visited the conference to hear high quality lectures specialized in “Cast Iron and Casting Technology” and  “Non-ferrous alloys” and to discuss an overview about the future of economy, ecology and the global market of Foundry-Industry.

Also the every year event, boat-trip in front of the Slovenian coast, was an excellent meeting point for deeper going expert talks. The financial crisis had no extremely effect on the foundries in Slovenia so far. Just one foundry had to declare bankruptcy, but not to close. Sure, there are order downturns, but they hope that the industry will boom soon. They hope  that it will be not just a short pickup of the economy with a new slump.


Mirjam Jan-Blasic, chairwoman of the Organizing Commitee:

- 20 years director of the foundry TCG Unitech LTH –ol in Skofja Loka, Slovenia
- Since 2004 president of the Slovenian Foundrymen Society
- Lives about a half an hour from Lubjana in Škofja Loka and she is the mayor there
- Has grown up mainly in Belgrad (she went to school there) and has learned
German there
- In 1985 she graduated in German language course in Berlin, Germany 
- The position for a woman in high position was hard in past Yugoslavia too.
Anyway she got the position as director of a foundry assisted by her husband:

There was a big requirement in the foundry and nobody wanted to take over the direction. It was her job to find someone for this position, but everyone  only stayed for a short time, also in consequence of the political situation at that time. So her husband asked her to assume this job -  a piece of luck, because Mirjam is a studied metallurgist and chemist!


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Allthough a few cancellations because of the financial crisis almost the same members like the year before met on the Slovenian Foundry Conference 2009 met in Portoroz. Altogether 220 members from 16 countries.

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