
Intermach 2011 Brazil

Intermach Joinville Brazil 12-09-2011 to 16-09-2011
International Fair and Congress for Technology, Machinery, Equipments, Automation and Services for the Metal-Mechanical Industry.

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The INTERMACH became the most important tool for the world's approximation as for new technologies, for the 2nd. largest market of Latin America.

It happens in Joinville, on the State of Santa Catarina. Located in the center of the southern states of Brazil and nearest to the most industriallyzed countries of South America. 

It has a good structure as for business tourism, logistics compatible and smallest costs when compared to the main centers. This promotes intensively the development of all the latin american chain of the metal-mechanical sector.

Come and join Intermach 2011 in its best edition, that happens exactly in the best phase of the industrial growth of Brazil.

The Region where the Fair is held

The southern part of Brazil - the second largest industrial pole in South America - will absorb an expressive part of these investments, by means of improvements in the productive park and increase in the demand. This will proportionate new technologies, new brands and new commercial proposals.

The region is growing, equipping itself, and improving its infrastructure. Foreign companies, as well as the ones from the large centers keep on moving to the south. because here these find lower costs, better craftmanship and better logistics for the flowing of the production.


The present scenery evidences this ascension with real commercial opportunities for the most different areas of the productive chain. Presently the Intermach is a complete business tool and occurs in one of the strongest markets of the metal-mechanical sector. Due to the large number of buyers and entrepreneurs that look, at the Intermach, for the best solutions and more alternatives for their enterprises, this Fair is an excellent opportunity for your company to establish its brand and to gain new markets.

The market you will find in Brazil

Brazil has a heavy growth forecast until 2012. According to BNDES - National Bank for the Economical and Social Development, the investment forecast for the next three years reach US$ 448 billions. For the industrial sector, the amounts reach US$ 264 billions. According to the National Petroleum Organization (ONIP), Petrobras, StatoilHydro, Chevron, Shell, Exxon, Repsol among others, will bring to Brazil some US$ 200 billions in the next five years. Petrobras alone will spend exclusively US$ 114,4 billions in the pre-salt until 2020.

Besides of the government programs and the installation of large foreign companies in Brazil, the strong investment program of brazilian entrepreneurs, with expressive results in the stock exchanges, justifies the enthusiasm of the investors with the large economical impulse that Brazil is already starting to feel. These factors stimulated Messe Brasil to organize the 8th Edition of Intermach, to be stronger, bigger and more diversified, increasing its reach and promoting the high qualifying of the visitors.

Reasons to participate in Intermach 2011:

  • To meet personally with buyers, including these that usually are not accessible to the sales personnel.
  • To give to the clients the opportunity of a contact with specialists, what means, the professionals that have the technical control of the products / services and that normally do not take a direct part on the sales process.
  • To meet the decision makers.
  • To meet the retailers and representatives, besides of developing its own personnel.
  • To find new business opportunities.
  • To search for opportunities in distinguished partnerships.
  • To make immediate sales.
  • To open new paths for future contacts focused in sales.

Other advantages of Intermach 2011:

  • Possibilities for visiting manufacturing sites of clients and suppliers.
  • Presence of important names, domestic and foreign.
  • Highly qualified visitors.
  • Low Investment Value.

Ensure right now the opportunity to conquer new markets, to settle your brand and to realize good businesses, presenting your distinguishing aspects at Intermach 2011.
