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Foseco offers new insulating material for dosing furnaces in aluminium foundries

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The application of energy-saving dosing furnaces in aluminium foundries is best available technology today. Foseco is now able to supply a new, multi-part and highly insulating lining made of INSURAL, which is delivered ready to install and provides a high longevity. Installation of a new INSURAL lining can be done in 3 to 4 days with no ongoing hydrogen issues. While linings cast in situ have to be dried for several weeks before all the combined water is removed.

Through the low wettability of INSURAL, the furnace cavity is easy to clean and the liquid metal is protected against unwanted impurities. In addition, due to the dry installation no sintering process is necessary and the good insulation properties lead to energy savings up to 17 %. Additional benefits are the extreme low build-up of Corundum, due to the absence of joints, resistance to cracking in the area of the heating tubes and simple removal when relining is required.

Additionally Foseco also offer INSURAL dosing tubes, INSURAL or Clay Graphite filling funnels, ISOPRIME protection tubes for the heating elements, EKATHERM thermo element protection tubes and ZYAROCK launders for insulation and prevention of Oxide build-up.


Vesuvius GmbH

Gelsenkirchener Straße 10
46325 Borken

Telefon: +49286183207
