Foundry Corporate News Topic IT-Solutions Topic Pressure Die Casting

Embracing Digital – Microsoft Interviews Italpresse Gauss

Italpresse Gauss is one of a handful of digital leaders selected by partner Microsoft for a short video on embracing digitization. Hear Carlo Scalmana, President of Italpresse Gauss, share his insights on digital transformation.

Lesedauer: min

Italpresse is proud to have been chosen for the Microsoft Video “Manufacturing the future: Insights from digital leaders”.

What are industry’s top disruptors saying about the importance of digital transformation in manufacturing today? Watch the new video from Microsoft in the box to the right to find out.




ItalPresseGauss S.p.A.

Via Trento 178
25020 Capriano del Colle (Brescia)

Telefon: +39 0309749300
