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BRICS – More than 5 countries covering 70% world production of castings?

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The third BRICS Conference for the foundry industry was held in South Africa, March 2013.

It was an exceptional event not only due to the great venues and wonderful hospitality but it also raised the bar for future conferences contentwise.

Basic figures from China, India, Brazil, South Africa and partly from Russia were presented and really compared for the first time and were extensively discussed.

This enabled a clear view into how different the countries are in production, productivitiy and how the markets are represented.

There was much diversity in conditions concerning raw material and cost structures amidst challenges of education, social conditions, sustainability, energy efficiency, but it all contained the quite common struggles and efforts.

All in all, we will present to you on the highly interesting figures after they have been approved by the event coodinators.

The next BRICS Conference will take place in 2014 in Ahmedabad, India.

Dr. -Ing. Marco Rische
ABP Induction

“Its a great venue, good presentation, very well organized. Its big event here in South Africa and I enjoy very much being here. It's good hospitality and organization.”
Thomas Gao
Chinese Foundry Association

“It's amazing. This is the first time South Africa has organized a metal casting conference. It is an excellant conference  in my opinion, and its a different style for the BRICS Foundry Forum. Before we just provided market presentation and technical presentation, but this time 5 countries provided more information. We discussed energy, costs, output, material costs, so its useful to share this information.”
Dr. Horst Wolf
Institute für Gießereitechnik GmbH

“This metal casting conference 2013 event can be described as a very successful event. The possibility that individuals can come together with several experts over several days, provides the opportunity not only to listen to presentations but to intensively exchange views and other related subjects. This is a basis that could be interesting for an event in Europe.”
Robert Deus
Devanir Brichesi and Roberto Deus, ABIFA

“I think it was exceptional because its the first event and very well organized , excellant. I will continue to come to this event for many many years. The papers that were presented and the lectures were good and very well prepared.”
John Davies
South African Institute of Foundrymen

“We were really pleased with the international and national represenation and I think the biggest benefit is obviously the high quality of papers that have been presented and also the extensive opportunity for networking both with suppliers, potential customers, customers and the international representatives.”
Mike Hartung
Atlantis Foundries

“It was very informative. I learned a lot. This venue is beautiful, well managed and well organized in bringing information across.”
Sham Arjunwadkar
Institute of Indian Foundrymen

“The BRICS Conference went very well. I look forward to more interaction with the BRICS countries. BRICS countries are the vendors  for castings. The metal casting conferences in South Africa, they say that it is the first time they orgazined this, and it's fantasically and professionally done, and the speakers from all over the world had excellent presentations.”