
ARG-Argentina's metallurgic industry back at pre-pandemic levels

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The Association of Metallurgical Industries of the Argentine Republic (Adimra) Sunday reported nationwide output had grown 24.9% in March of 2021, making it the seventh straight month in the upward direction.

The provinces of Córdoba, Santa Fe and Entre Ríos recorded the highest increases, according to Admira, who also said production is now at the same levels of 2019.

In year-on-year terms Córdoba topped the list (+ 35.3%), followed by Santa Fe (+ 32.8%), while Entre Ríos recorded a surprising growth (+ 19.7%). However, Buenos Aires (+ 25.3%) and Mendoza (+ 17.7%), were still below their 2019 levels.

The Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) showed an interannual 27.6% increase, while growth in the rest of the province of Buenos Aires was 19.5% against March 2020.

The sector that presented the greatest increase in production was foundry (+43.1%), followed by capital goods (+16.9%), medican supplies (+11.5%), electrical appliances (+ 16.4%) which nevertheless have not been able to match pre-oandemic levels.

Auto Parts stayed highly active (+ 31.6%), as did agricultural machinery (+ 29.1%) and bodywork and trailers (+ 8.7%) year-on-year.

”Production of the coming months will be partially influenced by what happens in the framework of Covid-19. Compliance with the best practices in the factories and the protocol carried out by Adimra and the [Labor] UOM (Unión Obrera Metalúrgica) will serve to minimize the contagion risks within the factories,” the Adimra report said.
