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Why You Should Work in A Die Casting Plant

Because it is hard, and you’ll love it

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Our country is experiencing one of the best job markets in history. It seems that just about every business is hiring for every position. What do you want to be when you grow up? Well, whatever it is, you can probably do it right now. And yes, even astronauts will be in demand as Bezos, Branson, and Musk expand the economy to space.

We’ve had many applicants walk through our plant, observe the intimidating machines and melting furnaces of the casting operation, and kindly say, “thank you,” and move on. It seems that everyone is looking for the highest pay with the least amount of responsibility. You may say, “Of course! Isn’t that the goal?” I disagree.

There are two reasons we work. The first of course is monetary. As my father always said, “you work to live, you don’t live to work.” I believe the second reason is just as important to a fulfilling life. Our work should give us the opportunity to explore and test our potential.

The final stanza of Robert Frost's famous poem The Road Not Taken comes to mind. I believe it reflects the culture at General Die Casters and why you should choose a career in a challenging field.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost 


Too many people move through life without ever testing themselves to uncover their capabilities. It seems our society has developed an avoidance of challenges and the associated responsibility. This is unfortunate because we will only reach our potential if we have obstacles to overcome.  

As luck would have it, a die casting operation such as General Die Casters dishes out these challenges by the minute.

A successful die caster must possess a diverse knowledge base along with very specialized skills to succeed. The art of melting and reforming metal requires physics, chemistry, electrical and mechanical engineering. The expert die caster must have the dexterity to measure with micrometers, spray dies and troubleshoot complex equipment. Once the knowledge and skills are honed, the real challenges arise. You must apply your skills and knowledge to solve problems. You must coordinate people, equipment, and schedules to efficiently accomplish goals. The opportunities to test yourself are endless.  

This is not an easy path. It takes commitment, patience, and sacrifice.

As I’ve learned in life, the most rewarding experiences are the ones most difficult to complete. A career in die casting offers immense opportunities for personal growth. We have one life to live, and we must choose our path wisely. Don’t be tempted by the path of least resistance. Instead, take the road less traveled and reap the rewards. 

To see a list of our open positions at General Die Casters, click here.


Company Info

General Die Casters, Inc.

2150 Highland Road Twinsburg
44087 Ohio
United States of America

Telephone: 330-657-2300
