
VAR - International Aluminium Pressure Die Casting Competition 2012

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The Association of the Aluminium Recycling Industry (VAR) and the Organisation of the European Aluminium Recycling Industry (OEA) have announced an

International Aluminium Pressure Die Casting Competition

which will be held in collaboration with the Association of German Foundrymen - Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießereiindustrie (BDG).

In order to guarantee a high participation it is necessary to extend the deadline for the entry of castings till

2 December 2011.

Aim of the competition is:

  • to increase the interest in working with the versatile material aluminium
  • to demonstrate the high standard of aluminium die castings to the public
  • to stimulate the development of further applications for aluminium casting alloys

Those castings considered as the most outstanding in terms of quality, topicality, the promotion of recycled aluminium applications and reflecting technical progress will be awarded certificates.

The conditions of participation and the registration form can be downloaded on the following websites:

The awards show of the best entries will take place on the occasion of the EUROGUSS Exhibition to be held from 17 - 19 January 2012 in Nuremberg. The winning castings will be exhibited there and at other exhibitions.

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