
The StrikoMelter super-power helping Albert Weber on its journey to “Emission Zero”.

ALBERT WEBER manufactures complex components for the global automotive industry.

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It’s also on a mission to only produce castings for emission-free applications, in a climate-neutral environment, by 2040. So having a melting furnace with “the power of eternal youth when it comes to energy efficiency” is a massive help. Read on to find out more!

Twenty years of trusted melting performance.

WEBER RODING produces over 2 million aluminum components for the automotive industry every year. These castings require dimensional accuracy as well as excellent mechanical properties. Something you only get with high quality melt – a task it has entrusted to StrikoMelter for over 20 years.

“Our StrikoMelter has always delivered great results, helping us keep quality high and energy consumption low for over two decades”, said Johannes BAUER, Head of Maintenance and Processing at WEBER RODING.“ But after this amount of time, you inevitably need to think about replacement or so, we assumed. Now we know there are exceptions to the rule!

Equipment modernization: why replace when you can rejuvenate!

StrikoWestofen’ s team of expert engineers conducted a thorough on-site inspection, analyzing StrikoMelter’ s performance against current and future production needs. Rather than having to replace their furnace, the team at Roding were delighted to learn that they could keep their faithful companion, and according to the implemented modernization options achieve ‘good as new’ performance and dramatic energy savings.

“The StrikoWestofen team confirmed we should expect to see energy consumption drop by at least 10%, giving us a clear KPI for the upgrade work”, said Johannes. “We agreed to the recommendations made, and Striko’ s team set to work. It was that simple.”

Upgrade options: the solutions that support more sustainable melting.

StrikoMelter’ s refractory lining was replaced, and specially designed steel plates were fitted into the furnace shaft to prevent damage from refractory material. Integrating these plates has been shown to extend the service life of refractory material by up to 30%! The shaft was also fitted with a laser scanner to help optimize charging cycles based on fill levels, another energy saving solution. 

Finally, a hot gas baffle (shaft cover) with automated closure was integrated to maximize heat retention and associated energy savings, especially during periods of free melting while cleaning. 

Prolonged performance for significant savings!
With the upgrades complete and StrikoMelter back in action, it was time to test. Not only did the modernization project meet the KPI’s agreed, it smashed them – the rejuvenated StrikoMelter delivering an impressive 15% reduction in energy consumption. 

Johannes added: “When we don’t have to replace equipment, it saves time, resources, and helps us on our carbon-neutral mission. So, we are really impressed with StrikoMelter and Striko’ s equipment modernization process. Having a melting furnace with the power of eternal youth when it comes to energy efficiency, and which keeps delivering the quality, uptime, and productivity we need – well that’s just amazing. We are delighted with the results.” 


Company Info

StrikoWestofen GmbH

Carl-Zeiss-Str. 12
51674 Wiehl

Telephone: +49 2261 7091–0
