
Stadler: The plant in Ingolstadt GER still operates at full capacity – catch up to BMW and Mercedes in the U.S.

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Audi wants to invest around one billion euros in its new production facility in Mexico. A decision for a location hasn’t been made yet, said Audi Chairman Rupert Stadler on Wednesday to the magazine AUTO-Straßenverkehr. "Right now we are still looking for the location. I expect that we will come to a decision this year," said Stadler. "The investment will be around one billion euros." Stadler also made a statement about the size of the plant. "The possible plant in Mexico will initially have a capacity of 150,000 units. We will use it for the Q5, selling it to all markets in the world."

However, the Audi plant in Ingolstadt, where the Q5 also comes off the line, does not have to fear shortage. "The plant in Ingolstadt will be well utilized with the increase in the existing models in the next years.  We create additional capacity, among other aspects with other products of our etron model family," said Stadler. "We need the additional capacity in Mexico, to be able to meet our long-term growth targets for 2020. And of course, for beeing well prepared for currency volatility between the euro and the dollar."

Stadler reaffirmed the goal to improve last years production of 1,3 million vehicles to the new record of 1,4 million already this year. "In 2012 we have planed to grow faster than the overall market. An increase of about 100,000 units seems to be possible and would be a decent quantity." Besides China, Stadler sees considerable potential particular in the United States. "We want to deliver 130,000 cars to the U.S. this year. By 2020 it could be even 200,000 cars. Doing so, we would keep up with our german competitors in the premium sector.


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