
Restec - The 5th edition of St. Petersburg Technical Fair

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The 5th edition of St. Petersburg Technical Fair, the Russian leading Exhibition and Congress Event dedicated to metallurgy, mechanical engineering, metalworking and industrial innovations, is to be held on March 10-12, 2010.

St. Petersburg Technical Fair represents a range of jointly held specialised research and production exhibitions and congress and business events. The Fair demonstrates the latest achievements of the Russian research and production development and provides an excellent opportunity to hold meetings and negotiations, exchange of experience in the domains of production and innovations.

Complexity is the main innovative feature of the event. The Fair format is based on the integrated approach to technological chain and cooperation with the industry various spheres: metal extraction – refining – metalworking – elements of mechanical engineering (automotive industry being emphasized) – management structure of an industrial enterprises, industrial innovations.

During its history since 2005 St. Petersburg Technical Fair has proved itself as the most dynamically growing industry project in the North-West of Russia and become one of the central events of industry. The Fair is a synergistic event where exhibitors of an event are at the same time target visitors of another.

Annually, in March the Fair turns into a meeting place for Russian and foreign producers, suppliers and consumers representing different industries. This year the Fair exposition features over 300 companies from Russia and foreign countries, such as Belarus, Poland, Germany, France, China, Slovakia, Ukraine, Finland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, etc. the Fair is expected to be visited by over 8000 Russian and foreign  trade visitors, traditionally they are top managers and line managers responsible for making decision.

The Fair participants will demonstrate the full production range from starting materials to final products of metallurgy and mechanical engineering. The event participants are the largest enterprises of Russia and foreign countries, among them there are Georgsmarienhütte Holding gmbh (Germany), Irlen Engineering (St. Petersburg), Hermle (Switzerland), ASM-Service (St. Petersburg), Borovichi Refractories Plant (Norgorod region), Mariupol Plant of heavy Mechanical Engineering (Ukraine), SEVZAPPROMENERGO, Ltd (St. Petersburg), Arsenal (St. Petersburg), Motiviliha trading House (Perm), Medved (St. Petersburg). Collective expositions of the Republic of Karelia, Stavropol and Khabarovsk, Kirov, Leningrad, Murmansk, Nizhni Novgorod, Novgorod, Tomsk, Chelyabinsk regions will demonstrate innovative potential of the Russian regions at the exhibition.

The exhibition features a specialised exposition Industry of St. Petersburg where the city enterprises will demonstrate research and production developments and projects of the city strategic in demand industries.

St. Petersburg Partneriat – Russian Regions and Foreign Countries. Small and Medium Business Interregional and International Cooperation, a unique international cooperation site devoted to search for, establish and develop business relations in the industry, will be held jointly with the Fair. At St. Petersburg Partneriat specialists could have an opportunity to discuss measures to preserve economic stability, support of small and medium businesses using interregional and cross border industrial cooperation as well as direct business relations with Russian and foreign delegations.

On March 10, 2010 the Fair business program will be opened with St. Petersburg Industrial Congress which is the most important Russian discussion site devoted to problems and the industry development trends, high technologies and innovations. The Congress profile covers research and technology foresights, discussion of basic innovative development lines, including issues of energy and resources efficiency at industrial enterprises, safety, etc. Assemblies of Top Managers and Leading Experts of the Industry devoted to revive the best traditions of high society communication and ways of solving business problems are planned to be held within the framework of the Congress.

Socially oriented St. Petersburg Technical Fair emphasizes the Career Fair for industrial enterprises. This year the Career Fair will work as a Consultancy Center on the city population employment and bank of vacancies.

The Fair is held with the support of the Representation office of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-Western Federal District, The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg Government, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, St. Petersburg Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry; under the auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
General information support by Expert. Equipment and Expert North-West magazines.

<link file:7413 _blank download>Click here to download - St. Petersburg PARTNERIAT – Russian Regions and Foreign Countries. Small and Medium Business Interregional and International Cooperation March 10-12, 2010
