
Omega’s Grand Opening of New Premises

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Omega Foundry Machinery Ltd. invested 4 million pounds to relocate to a new premises in Woodston, Peterbourough, UK and celebrated its grand opening with an enjoyable atmosphere on June 1st 2012 at their new location. Incoming guests were treated with excellent food and beverages and the event formally began with a speech from the Chairman of Omega Foundry Machinery, Mark Fenyes, who thanked several employees, representatives and foundry customers in attendance. Visitors were then allowed to tour the premises with Omega’s No Bake equipment on display.

With an annual turnover of 30 million per year, Omega has exceedingly grown and saw the need to provide for larger and improved factory facilities and enhanced office space. Fenyes commented on the reason for the location by adding, “It was really to consolidate the manufacturing. We had 5 locations around Peterborough and I think it’s better for the workforce to combine into all one area. That was the main reason, to get everyone under one roof”, said Fenyes.

Omega will be setting it’s sights on improving production rates for no bake, control systems and getting involved in large projects. “We are totally committed to the foundry industry and what we do. We will always see the job through no matter what it takes. That is our policy, that’s who we are and that is what we are.”, said Fenyes

Omega Foundry Machinery Ltd is specialized in the manufacture of equipment for the ‘chemically bonded’ or ‘no bake process’ with registered offices in India, the U.S. and Turkey.

The new OMEGA-Factory is a testimony that foundry industry is far from moribund as is at the moment very vibrant

By Steve Bell MBE FICME President of the Institute of Cast Metal Engineers

Most of the media would have us believe that UK PLC  and in particular the foundry industry is dead or terminally ill, we have and are living through the worst recession since the 1930’s but I am delighted to quote Mark Twain “the stories of our demise are greatly exaggerated”. This new factory is a testimony that the foundry Industry is far from moribund as is at the moment very vibrant.

I am passionate about manufacturing and I believe like most of you realised, before the government, that the Country needed a vibrant manufacturing led economy.  As part of my job I work very closely with various institutions such as the Engineering Federation, Local Manufacturing Forums and the local and regional authorities in the North East of England on promoting growth and investment in manufacturing. This new factory displays Omega’s commitment to the ideals that I have just mentioned.

 I have worked in the foundry industry for more than 40 years and during all of this time Omega or as it was the Foundry Division of Baker Perkins have been synonymous with equipment for chemically bonded or no bake sand systems. Then and now the Company has been and still is classified as a world leader in terms of quality and durability of its products and in the expertise of its employees.

Interestingly the Company covers no bake sand systems from the cradle to the grave through its range of mixers and reclamation units and all areas in between with the service provided by your engineers.

 Under Mark’s stewardship the Company has continuously expanded its sales horizons and business reach so ensuring Omega is now seen as “the leader” in foundry machinery supply  not just in the UK but worldwide and the presentation of the Queen’s Award in 2007 is a lasting testament to this.

The Acquisition of other great name in Sand mixing Richards Engineering has not only added to the range that you at Omega produce but further cemented in all foundrymen’s mind that if you want the best buy from Omega.

I think I can sum this up in a story from my own factory. Our engineering and foundry team were exploring the purchase and installation of a reclamation system and mixing stations and they met with UK and European suppliers of the equipment but being managers they talked a lot but failed to come up with a decision. I walked into their meeting one day and in true MD style told them to get of their backsides and get on with it. They said they wanted to buy Omega but the price was higher than our budget and were working on how to tell me. I lectured them for 10 minutes on budgetary control when our manufacturing manager simply said, Steve we know that but from an operational point of view we simply, cannot afford not to buy from Omega as it is the best. For once I had no response and of course we bought Omega!

I know it may just be my spectacles need renewing but what I see here today is not just new buildings but the idea that this Company is going to continue to be at the forefront of engineering and development of products well into the future. I know from my walk around earlier that any prospective customer that visits is going to go away realising this is the Company that he needs to buy his equipment from.

On behalf of The Institute of Cast Metal Engineers and the foundry industry as a whole I congratulate you on this bold enterprise and wish you every success for the future.

Company Info

Omega Sinto Foundry Machinery Ltd.

Morley Way
PE2 7BW Peterborough
United Kingdom

Telephone: +4401733232231
