
MMMM 2008 - Starting Point for Doing Business in the Indian Metallurgy Market

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The 7th International Exhibition of minerals, metals, metallurgy, materials technology  and products “MMMM 2008”, one of the most significant events in the Indian metallurgy market, will take place at India Expo Centre, Expo – XXI,  New Delhi, India  from the 13th  to the 16th November.

This will be the largest MMMM Exhibition ever, the key trade exhibition for metals, production, metallurgy, minerals, materials professionals in India! The MMMM 2008 is India’s number ONE Metallurgy Industry Exhibition drawing together metallurgical, technical and engineering personnel, including the general management, technical management, plant management, purchasing and procurement, quality control, engineering, maintenance, research and many other industry professionals.

India offers international suppliers unique opportunities for business. Its size, population and the investment generated by dynamic economic growth are creating an escalating demand for expertise, equipment and materials in most sectors. This is probably the last new market of its kind and scale left in the world, and it is the innovative companies that enter early, leading the way rather than following those who have already succeeded, that generate the best returns.

The Indian economy is growing consistently at between 8 and 10% p.a. with its stable, democratically elected government and commitment to playing a leading role in the global economy, the country provides unparalleled potential. The Indian government’s National Steel Policy targets an average 7 percent growth in steel output, which would take the country’s production capacity to more than 100 million tons by 2020. The rapid growth in the steel and aluminium sectors has created a range of opportunities for equipment suppliers, technology providers, potential investors and consulting companies in a number of areas.

This prestigious Metallurgical National Week Offering Something For Everyone in the Metallurgical Industry!

  • International Conference on Towards Global Leadership in Minerals and Metals 
  • 46th National Metallurgists Day 
  • 62nd Annual Technical Meeting

The Ministry of Steel of the Government of India accordingly designated 14th November of every year to be celebrated as the National Metallurgists’ Day (NMD) in his memory. NMD is celebrated by IIM in a grand, befitting manner by conferring awards on metallurgical engineers and materials scientists for their significant contribution. The celebrations are held every year in different cities in the country along with an Annual Technical Meeting (ATM) where technical presentations of a high order are made and deliberated upon. Usually an International Conference on some topical theme is also organized coinciding with the NMD ATM.

This year's event is being held in New Delhi after a gap of twelve years. The event is being organized by the Delhi chapter in association with Chandigarh, Jaipur, Kanpur, Khetrinagar and Roorkee chapters of the Indian Institute of Metals. An International Conference on “Towards Global Leadership in Minerals and Metals” will be held on 13th November, 2008. NMD –ATM will be held from 14th to 16th November, 2008. 

NMD will be celebrated on 14th November 2008 and the Annual Technical Meeting will take place on 15th and 16th November 2008. The outstanding contributions made by distinguished metallurgists and material scientists from India in metallurgical education, research and industry will be recognized through various awards in the presence of a galaxy of dignitaries. The entire event is rightly titled as Metals Asia Summit 08.

The exhibition covers all sectors of metallurgy industry. As usual, the exhibition will feature Casting Machinery and Technology, Foundry Machinery and Technology, Furnaces and Heat Treatment, Machine Tools, Materials Processing and Technology, Metal and Scrap Recycling, Metal Finishing and Shaping, Metals Working and Technology, Metallurgical Equipment, Non-Ferrous Technology, Plant Machinery and Equipment, Processing Equipment, Iron and Steel Making Technology, Tube Technology, Wire Technology demanded by ferrous and non-ferrous Indian market.
This year more than 300 exhibitors will participate at the MMMM 2008 exhibition. Total space will be more than 10,000 sqm space. Producers and suppliers from 24 countries will demonstrate their technology, equipment and products at the MMMM 2008 exhibition. Many international companies will be represented at the state level and will exhibit in the form of national stands.

The MMMM 2008 exhibition will be held under the official support of the Ministries of Steel, Mines, Coal, Commerce & Industry, Heavy Industry & Public Enterprises, Small Scale Industries, Environment and Forests, Science & Technology, External Affairs, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Department of Atomic Energy, Planning Commission. The MMMM 2008 sponsored by The Indian Institute Of Metals IIM Delhi Chapter and Endorsed by All India Induction Furnace Association, Federation of Indian Mineral Industries, Indian Copper Development Centre, Indian Lead Zinc Development Association, MC-CCPIT, South East Asia Iron & Steel Institute, International Copper promotion Council (India).
