Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses

Metal + Metallurgy China 2015 Come and join the market!

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Metal + Metallurgy China is Asia’s largest and the world’s second largest exhibition for the metal and metallurgy industry. The event has been enjoying an enduring popularity for over two decades with far-reaching influences in both Southern and Northern China, offering access to a huge market. Held alternately in Beijing and Shanghai, Metal + Metallurgy China puts a focus on market agglomeration and industrial integration from Southern China to Northern China, from China to the world.

Metal + Metallurgy China 2015 (a collective name for the 13th China International Foundry Expo, the 15th China International Metallurgical Industry Expo, the 13th China International Industrial Furnaces Exhibition and the 11th China International Refractories and Industrial Ceramics Exhibition) will be staged from March 31 to April 3, 2015 at the newly built China Expo Complex in Shanghai Hongqiao CBD.

Many well-known names including ABP, Allied Mineral Products, ASK Chemicals, Calderys, Capital, DISA, Ebner, Fanuc, Grenzebach, I.M.F, Inductotherm, Kao, Koins, Küttner, MAGMA, MAUS, Nederman, Savelli, Shanghai Xinyan, and Siemens have registered for participation.

The vast majority of exhibitors like Allied Mineral Products, FANUC, or KAO will expand their presence with increased booth areas and the best of their products. Evidently, these international giants continue to favor the financial and industrial center of Shanghai with unfailing passions and unprecedented investment.

Moreover, the excellent reputation of Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai Ltd., the China subsidiary of Deutsche Messe AG, and its unreserved support as the overseas organizer will enhance the international philosophy of the exhibition. "Global Fairs, Global Business” will be a perfect feature that Hanover annexes to Metal + Metallurgy China 2015.

In addition to a big Chinese participation featuring Chinese market leaders, a large international participation featuring exhibitors form Germany, Italy, Korea and other countries, will add to the show.

Specifically, brand-new sectors of robotics/automation, metallurgy and foundry will enable buyers to reach target groups directly and conclude more purchase orders.

With an extensive scope of exhibits, innovative products and distinctive features, Metal + Metallurgy China 2015 will cover an exhibition area of 80,000 square meters and host about 1,000 exhibitors. Forums that cover major topics in the four industries will also be held simultaneously during the show period, accompanied with other activities such as business matchmaking services, specialized seminars and technical activities. National and international media will cover the event.

For further information on visiting Metal + Metallurgy China 2015 and to obtain your free ticket please click here: <link http: en _blank external-link-new-window external link in new> 

Metal + Metallurgy China 2015 - Ticket

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