
Mercedes relies on the combustion engine - even after 2030

As the online magazine kfz-berieb (source: ampnet) reports, Mercedes CEO Ola Källenius considers that the EU's planned phase-out of the combustion engine in 2035 is not out of the question. In an interview with "Zeit online", he confirmed that the Group will continue to rely on conventional drive systems.

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Foundation stone for all-electric portfolio in all vehicle classes

" Of course, our customers will still get a combustion engine from Mercedes after 2030," Ola Källenius, Head of Daimler and Mercedes-Benz, stated. Although Mercedes is laying the foundations for a fully electric portfolio in all vehicle classes in this decade, there will be no stop to the production of combustion engines, either now or in the future.

Production of combustion engines until the 1930s

"Our product range is fundamentally geared towards customer requirements and will always be at the cutting edge of technology," Källenius explains, emphasising that this also includes the production of combustion engines up to the 1930s. In addition, plug-in hybrids are planned, whose battery is sufficient for emission-free everyday use - the combustion engine of the hybrids, on the other hand, for longer distances."

A little too much optimism for electric cars

Källenius explains the slump in sales of electric cars following the end of state subsidies with "a little too much optimism throughout the industry". Now there is more realism. He explains the EU's decision to stop authorising combustion engines from 2035 as follows: "The EU's plan is to first take stock in 2026 and then see what is possible and what not." The status of the charging infrastructure throughout Europe will be the be-all and end-all here. At the same time, people will increasingly strive for individual mobility.

