Foundry Corporate News Topic Discharging, Decoring, Fettling, Finishing

MAUS has acquired Fritz Hansberg consolidating its competitive position in the field of equipment for foundries.

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Maus, world leader in automatic grinding and vertical turning, completed the acquisition of Fritz Hansberg, long established company leader in core making equipment and molding lines.  This acquisition enables Maus to strength its global leadership as solution provider for foundries: “from casting to finished part”.

This complementary combination, besides representing a strategic growth platform for the two companies involved, will bring substantial  value to customers. With the world’s leading core making and molding line technology from Fritz Hansberg , Maus in fact completes its portfolio as a full global solution provider for foundries.

Mr. Roberto Sammartin, CEO of Maus, declared: “Recent trends show clearly that the foundry equipment industry is concentrating. The combination of Maus and Fritz Hansberg supported by a global presence in key markets such as Europe, USA and China will enhance the leadership of Maus and will position the group to be a reference point for its customers and play a leading role in the industry going forward. Our goal is to maintain this technological leadership and we will be willing to invest in the future”.

About Maus
Maus is an Italian company founded in 1986 with headquarters in Campodarsego, Italy. Over the years the company has established itself as a global leading supplier  in both automatic grinding and vertical turning for various fields of application. Recently Maus established  joint venture agreements in strategic markets such as USA and China for local manufacturing, sales and service. 

About Fritz Hansberg
Based in Modena, Italy, Fritz Hansberg is specialized in the design and manufacture of core making and green sand molding equipment. During over 65 years of activity in the foundry industry, the company  has been steadily developing the technical excellence that has been its hallmark since its very first days, when Mr. Fritz Hansberg designed and patented the first core-shooter (1949).
