
MAN Energy Solutions Foundry Augsburg – Meet at the SMM in Hamburg

From melted iron in giant pots that have teh appearance of a bygone century to brand-new fettling robots and computer simulations: The MAN Energy Solutions foundry in Augsburg combines an ancient craft with modern technologies - and now offers their knowledge and experience to external customers.

Pressemitteilung | Reading time: min

The foundry, in operation since 1844, is one of the oldest workshops at the MAN Energy Solutions plant in Augsburg, making 15,000 castings of small to large-sized parts a year. And with four induction furnaces for melting and large patternmaking, molding and casting shops - a complete in-house foundry process - it's one of the few facilities in Europe that can mass-produce huge crankcases up to 100 tons.

Leading in Europe

For a long time the facility was focused on creating components for MAN Energy. Solutions' own high-end engine products, but recently its doors have opened up: Since 2020, the foundry actively offers its services to external customers. "We've produced components for other manufacturers before," says Marco Nagler, Head of Foundry Business, "but this had always been a small part of our production volume. Now that we've established ourselves as one of the very few economically successful foundries for crankcases and other huge castings in Europe, we're expanding our services and expect third-party orders to make up some 30 to 40 percent of our business."

A foundryman removes layer of rice husk ash from the cast iron the ash is used the metal in one pot from cooling faster than the others. ©Jan Hosan o prevent

Now that we've established ourselves as one of the very few economically successful foundries for crankcases and other huge castings in Europe, we're expanding our services.

Marco Nagler, Head of Foundry Business, MAN Energy Solutions

Company Info

MAN Energy Solutions SE

Stadtbachstrasse 1
86153 Augsburg

Telephone: +49 821 322-0
