Foundry Corporate News Topic Lost Foam

Lost Foam - International Symposium on November 7th-8th 2018 in Bremen

Getting in touch with the future of Lost Foam Casting

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Download the Event Flyer HERE 

The international symposium for Lost Foam Casting from November 7th to 8th in Bremen is a worldwide important event for this technology, meanwhile especially expanding in Asia. Profi t from lectures and workshops with leading Lost Foam experts from Europe, China, Mexico and the USA.

Learn more about the latest technological developments and application possibilities for Lost Foam. Find out about general conditions and quality requirements in diff erent sales markets. On the basis of examples, experience which problems and challenges can be solved with Lost Foam today. Gain hands-on knowledge about current trends, application possibilities

and cast-part designs. Meet numerous speakers from all over the world and take advantage of the exchange with the most important industry drivers - the world of Lost Foam awaits you!

Your springboard for innovation

As a part of the symposium, the LFC Award 2018 will be presented. The prize is awarded for the implementation of a casting which exploits the specific advantages of the Lost Foam process and highlights the superiority of the technology.

Show what you are capable of!

Company Info

Lost Foam Council e. V.

Steinbrede 62
48163 Münster

