
Koyama Automatic Grinding Machines

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Foundries report that Koyama Machines are on average 4 times faster than Hand Grinders

Turkey is the fastest growing foundry market in the greater European area for PS Auto Grinding Limited, distributors of Koyama Automatic Grinding Machines.

Leading Turkish foundry, Atik Metal of Izmir, have 4 machines, 2 for castings up to 50KG and 2 for castings up to 150KG.

Murat Atik, Member of the Board of Atik Metal, puts it quite clearly;

“Why spend € Millions on the latest foundry equipment to only produce bottlenecks in grinding?”

Although wages are still lower in Turkey, but rising, it appears finding workers and keeping workers that will stay in the unpleasant and dangerous environment of a typical grinding department is becoming harder. Getting the speed required to meet casting production with the high accuracy required is also getting more difficult as most grinding shops are staffed with inexperienced workers.

3000 out of a total of 4000 Automatic Grinding Machines installed worldwide are the Koyama Series 400 & 500.

Designed by Koyama to solve grinding problems in their own foundries, the guiding principles of the system remain since their initial launch;

1. It must be flexible enough that almost 100% of castings can be ground 100% at high speed
2. Koyama must be able to be programmed and operated by non skilled foundry workers, not highly skilled programming specialists
3. It must be built to a standard that will work 23 hours per day, 6 days a week for 15 years with near 100% uptime and very low running costs.

It’s not just Atik Metal that have found out the impact Koyama machines make to a foundry. AY Dokum, Estas, Kocak, Ozguven, Cemas, Kaydoksan, Denizgiler, all have bought Koyama and many are now buying their next machines confident in the technology and the return on investment.

PS Auto Grinding, represented by ASK TR, Hall 3-B 150. will be demonstrating Series 400S at Ankiros. Please feel free to come and find out what could be in it for your foundry.


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