
KMA Umwelttechnik GmbH The industry expert for air filtration

KMA Umwelttechnik is winner of the LUDWIG 2018 in the category INNOVATION.

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On Thursday evening, KMA Umwelttechnik was named winner of the LUDWIG 2018, prestigious award for small and medium-sized businesses, in the category INNOVATION.

KMA prevailed over 13 other contestants thanks to its innovative developments in the field of environmental engineering. The jury, consisting of several business managers and industry experts, highlighted the company’s energy efficient and environmentally friendly exhaust air filter systems. KMA exhaust air filter systems reduce CO2-emission of producing industry sectors worldwide while allowing for energy recovery at the same time.

„It is a nice endorsement for us as a growing company for environmental technology to be honoured with this award in the category INNOVATION. It underlines once more the forward-looking course, innovative environmental technology sets for the whole economy “, explains Mr Rolf Kurtsiefer, general manager of the family company. Located near Bonn, KMA is world market leader in the field of energy efficient exhaust air filter systems and advises among others the Federal Environment Ministry of Germany.

The award LUDWIG is the only award for small and medium-sized businesses of its kind in Germany. It honours companies for their achievements in different entrepreneurial fields due to their exceptional performances. For this year’s award over 30 companies applied, from which 14 were chosen as nominees. The Award Ceremony took place last on 14 June 2018 in the Rhein-Sieg-Halle in Siegburg, Germany.

KMA produces exhaust air purification filter systems for industrial companies worldwide. The company is particularly present in the textile, automotive and food industries. KMA recognized early what an advantageous impact the integral connection between exhaust air purification and energy recovery holds for its customers: Clean air, reduced energy costs (up to 80 %) as well as a reduction of the yearly CO2-emission.

This is the Unique Selling Proposition of KMA.

The corporate success of KMA is based on the use of innovative electrostatic filter cells. In these unique filter cells (handmade in Germany), even the hardest residue is extracted from the production exhaust air, charged electrostatically and then sticking to the metal walls of the filter. Other than usual combustion technologies used during the air purification process, KMA electrostatic filter systems use significantly less energy and reach a very high clean air quality.

Rapid growth in a sunrise market

„The field of energy efficient environmental technology is one of the fastest growing sunrise markets. Next to the Paris Climate Agreement, stricter national regulations concerning air pollution control heighten the demand for our energy efficient environmental technology”, says Kurtsiefer.

In order to meet the growing demand on this future market, management currently plans to enlarge its current production capacities in Königswinter, Germany. There, KMA manufactures all electrostatic filter cells by hand. For each order the project planning is individually adjusted to the manufacturing process of the customer. These adjustments require a high level of industry-specific know-how.

Company Info

KMA Umwelttechnik GmbH

Eduard-Rhein-Straße 2
53639 Königswinter

Telephone: +49224492480
