
Hometown of China Foundry

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The last century, 70′s, Zezhou “small smelting, small cast,” as the representative of the “five small industries” is famous. Of the last century 90′s, the Zezhou metalworking industry’s heyday, the peak of more than 200 county Foundry, BF 1300 I Block, employing nearly 5 million people.

The main products are cast pipe, machinery parts, and other casting products, sold to Guangdong, Fujian, Shanghai, Beijing and other places, some of the products exported to foreign countries, from Zezhou metalworking toward the country, to the world.

In today’s Zezhou, you can always hear: the Middle East to use ductile iron pipe produced in the spring of Zezhou Morningside Health, U.S. mountains, Germany, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi Heavy machine auto parts produced in Ze Zhou Qing-hui, the Japanese machine human elbow joint components produced in Zezhou metalworking

Casting industry in technological advancement and product innovation has been by leaps and bounds

Zezhou casting enterprises are mainly distributed in the Village, Palestinian public, the next village, so high are towns, villages and towns which have a casting company in Southern ranks first in the county, more than 8,000 employees in the foundry industry, foundry products in order to cast pipe, steam mop accessories , mechanical parts mainly cast pipe of which the largest output. In recent years, casting industry in technological advancement and product innovation has been leaps and bounds. Cast pipe industry, in particular, achieved a 4 ~ 5 times replacement, from the initial hand-cast pipe cast pipe to the general mechanism, to the vertical cast pipe, ductile iron pipe lining sand, and now water-cooled metal mold ductile iron pipe. Jincheng spring Morningside Meeting the company’s “Jin Zhu card” ductile iron pipe was awarded the title of famous brand in Shanxi Province, product production and sales into the national top three.

Casting industry, the Zezhou actively promote the casting enterprises to increase the capability of independent innovation, so that casting to an intensive, low input, high efficiency, resource-saving direction. Resin sand molding, lost foam casting, CNC machining technologies have been gradually promoted from the ordinary gray cast iron castings ductile iron castings to upgrade to, non-ferrous alloy castings, high strength alloy castings and other high-value high-quality castings, and gradually refined to the machinery, mechanical parts assembly development, industrial chain constantly stretched. The county is also actively promoting joint collaboration between the foundry business, nurtured by the spring of Morningside Health management industry, metalworking auto parts, auto parts Ching-hui, Lobo aluminum alloy wheels, represented by a group of highly skilled, large-scale and good economic returns Foundry .

Qing Hui Jincheng Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a national experimental zones for sustainable development of deep processing of products to actively explore the transformation of an extension of the product chain key demonstration projects. The project was launched in March 2005 to start construction in September 2008 has formed a production capacity of 6 million tons. At present, the company added an annual output of 100,000 tons auto parts, electrical and mechanical products project has been ground-breaking is expected to put into operation by the end of April 2011. Can form an annual output of 160,000 tons of quality auto parts production capacity.

Jincheng Rover Aluminum Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. invested 150 million yuan, the construction of 1 million / year (a 600 thousand / year) automotive aluminum wheel Eight Zezhou project is one of the key construction projects. This project not only fills in Shanxi automobile aluminum wheel manufacturing space, but also Zezhou to construct a “four middle eight industry”, lengthening expand the industrial chain, cultivating new economic growth points and increasing export capacity have played a positive role in promoting.

At present, high-quality cast iron Zezhou annual production capacity reached 1.6 million tons; have cast about 110 enterprises, of which production capacity of enterprises with more than 40 million tons more than, metalworking company annual output value of 10.0 billion revenue last year handed 300 million yuan, casting the country’s total output accounted for 1 / 20 or so in the national metalworking industry occupies an important position, metalworking has become the farmers here, employment, income, one of the main channel.
