
GIFA 2011 - International Interest in Products of SCHÄFER Chemische Fabrik GmbH

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Exhibiton stand of SCHÄFER at the GIFA 2011

Part of the SCHÄFER exhibiton team.


Our SCHÄFER products again attracted wide international interest on this year’s GIFA in Düsseldorf. Besides a lot of visitors from Germany, we welcomed visitors from other European countries as well as from Asia, America and Australia. We were particularly pleased about the large support of our representations at the exhibition stand. They travelled to the GIFA from all over the world. Co-exhibitor at this year’s GIFA was, like the years before, FUCO-HEG from Bottrop.

Besides the gravity die coatings and the metallurgical products, which are amongst others suitable for the cleaning or grain refinement of light and heavy metals, we noticed a large demand for our product PROBAT FLUSS MIKRO 100.

PROBAT FLUSS MIKRO 100 is a metallic master alloy in form of rods, which prevents the formation of shrinkage holes in the gravity die and sand casting. Furthermore, it leads to fine micro pores. This master alloy has a very short reaction time, increases the density index without contributing to any impurities and dissolves directly and without any residues in the melt.

The application of
PROBAT FLUSS MIKRO 100 supports a dense casting by the precipitation of microscopically small hydrogen bubbles, particularly even if feeders are not effective any more due to geometric reasons. Thereby the mechanical properties are not reduced.

Our CILLOLIN-automate was another exhibition highlight.


Impeller (FUCO-HEG)

The CILLOLIN-automate prepares ready for use coatings in required quantities. Concentrate is mixed with water, according to an adjusted mixing ratio. This method does not harm the components of the coating. They do not change during the process and thus the coating obtains its properties. This machine has proved to be very effective in praxis and attracts a high demand.

FUCO-HEG presented their impeller with the option of the alternate right and left rotation.

The changing rotator leads to fine stirring gas bubbles, which enable an effective cleaning of the melt. A ceramic blade is not necessary here. The impeller has a flux dosage. Thus, the flux can be given into the melt by creating a vertex, whereby the stirring gas treatment is supported effectively.

also available in

SCHÄFER Chemische Fabrik GmbH is a leading manufacturer in "Melting shop", "Refractories technology", "Gating and feeding" and "Manipulation". For further information and contact details click here: SCHÄFER Chemische Fabrik GmbH