
GER - Georg Fischer and ETH Zurich foster young entrepreneurial leadership

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As partner of the two months long entrepreneurial leadership seminar, Georg Fischer worked together with master students of the ETH Zurich to figure out how Cleantech drives innovation. The results of the seminar will be integrated in the current and future projects of Georg Fischer.    

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) is one of the leading universities worldwide. The highly demanding entrepreneurial leadership seminar is part of the department for Management, Technology and Economics (MTEC) at the ETH Zurich. The best MTEC students are rewarded annually with the opportunity of gaining an in-depth insight into leading Swiss companies.  

Georg Fischer has welcomed 18 high-potential ETH students to work on real business cases in strategy, innovation and leadership at its three Corporate Groups. The students were able to choose one of the following topics: drinking water hygiene in buildings (GF Piping Systems), composite lightweight construction (GF Automotive) and laser surface texturing (GF AgieChar-milles). Throughout the entire project the students were coached and supported by the professors of ETH Zurich and the top executives of Georg Fischer.

After two months of practical exercises, site visits and further insights into the structure and challenges of Georg Fischer's businesses, the group work culminated with a final presentation including strategic advice for each Corporate Group in December. Georg Fischer will now integrate the excellent results in current and future projects.

Yves Serra, CEO of Georg Fischer, comments: "What the ETH students achieved within two months was remarkable. They all worked as a team, they worked hard. They also went to customers to validate what they presented. We value very much their outside-in perspective and input."

Prof. Dr. Volker Hoffmann, Head of the Department for Management, Technology and Economics of ETH Zurich, states: "Georg Fischer as an innovative company can benefit from our approach of having explicit outreach activities. Students get an impression about how it is to work in a company on actual projects. We also appreciated very much that we had in this seminar a very good exposure to the top level management of Georg Fischer."


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