
GER - Deutsche Welle to award comprehensive steel recycling project

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Deutsche Welle has made an official call for proposals for a comprehensive material utilization project at its relay station in Sines in Portugal. The broadcasting center boasts more than 500 tonnes of high-quality steel (ST 37 and ST 51) that can be reused and recycled.

Following the considerable decrease of shortwave broadcasts, Deutsche Welle is planning on shutting down the relay station in Sines in Portugal, completely and liquidating its assets there.

The winning proposal should outline a plan for dismantling the station while reusing or recycling the antennae, transmitters and associated materials. The list of materials also includes the motor pool, stock and commercial inventory. The contractor will receive a commission of 25% to 35% of net revenues for services provided.

Several appraisers have reported that the relay station is in very good condition. The transmitters will be maintained daily until the realization of the project begins.

Deutsche Welle made an official announcement with the EU on behalf of Pro Funk GmbH.

Source - Deutsche Welle
