
From Aalen University to Tesla

Future foundry engineers can be trained in Aalen

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"Help shape the future," says the American electric car manufacturer Tesla on its Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg website for employees for its in-house foundry, which is currently under construction. "Tesla is looking for die casters - and we are training them at Aalen University," says Prof. Dr. Lothar Kallien, head of the foundry laboratory.

After the start of production in 2021, 10,000 Model Y vehicles are to roll off the assembly line every week in the Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg. To achieve this ambitious goal, Tesla is looking for manufacturing engineers for the planning of the construction and later operation of new die casting systems as well as engineers for research, design processes and implementation of automation technologies for its in-house aluminum alloy foundry

Aalen foundry technology trains what Tesla is looking for
The students at Aalen University are well prepared for precisely these requirements. You will acquire the necessary skills to work in future-oriented companies such as Tesla after graduation. “In the area of ​​research, the focus at the foundry laboratory at Aalen University is in the field of die casting of aluminum and magnesium light metals. “The die casting process is the fastest way from the liquid melt to the finished part. There are three die casting machines available in our laboratory for teaching and research projects,” explains Professor Kallien.

Foundry technology is integrated into the mechanical engineering / production and management course at Aalen University. This course combines mechanical engineering basics, such as technical mechanics, construction and materials science, with modern production technologies, such as foundry technology. The foundry laboratory is one of the focal points in teaching and research at the university. Special emphasis is placed on a broad education: In the laboratories, the students learn all classic casting processes from sand casting to die casting of aluminum and magnesium light metals. In new CAD laboratories, the students simulate the self-cast components using state-of-the-art software and optimize them in terms of casting technology. Because the need for well-trained specialists is great: Tesla boss Elon Musk wants to employ up to 12,000 people in his first European factory and contribute to the energy transition with solar cells and green electricity.


Company Info

Aalen University - Foundry Technology

Beethovenstr. 1
73430 Aalen

Telephone: 07361-5762252
