
Fritz Winter iron foundry: New "Brake Technology Center" in Stadtallendorf

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The Fritz Winter iron foundry will invest in a new competence center for brake discs in the north-east industrial estate in Stadtallendorf in the coming years. The aim of the company is to concentrate on the development and mechanical processing of car brake discs at the new location and to expand significantly in the coming years. Without this investment, several hundred jobs would have been endangered in Stadtallendorf.

The decision to invest in the Stadtallendorf site was the result of an open selection process: "Fritz Winter has been closely linked to the Stadtallendorf location for many decades. But we are in international competition and therefore always have the goal to make the best decision for the future viability of the company, "said Jörg Rumikewitz, CEO. "In addition to the good cooperation with the new management of the works council and the proximity to the main plant, the economic conditions in Stadtallendorf have ultimately given rise to the Stadtallendorf location."

Otto Kotke, Chairman of the Works Council adds: "Our goal is to secure jobs in Stadtallendorf in the long term. We achieved this goal together with the management. I am convinced that our machining colleagues at the new production site will have an excellent working environment to fully exploit their strengths."

For Fritz Winter, the construction of the technology center is part of a long-term strategy, such as Dr. Ing. Manuel Stark, Head of Corporate Development, emphasizes: "Over the last few years, Fritz Winter has focused on internationalization through the construction of the US plant and our activities in China. We will continue along this path. At the same time, however, in times of change in the automotive industry, we must also prepare ourselves correctly for the future in the European market. The concentration of our braking expertise in a new location with a clear structure and significantly improved processes is an important element in this."

Start of construction for the new location will begin this year, and production is scheduled to start in mid-2018.

Company Info

Fritz Winter Eisengießerei GmbH & Co. KG

Albert-Schweitzer-Straße 15
35260 Stadtallendorf

Telephone: +49 6428 78-6298
