
Foundry units in India struggle to expand

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Despite India being placed second in the casting production across the world, the foundry units in India are grappling to expand at desired pace. There are around 5,000 to 6,000 foundry units in India which are in the business of melting metals and casting into various shapes.

Institute of Indian Foundrymen National President Mr Naresh Garg maintained problems like complex officials procedures which were time consuming, shortage of skilled manpower and dearer electricity tariffs were creating hurdle for the expansion of foundry units in India.

Mr Garg maintained the problems had created a chasm between the available capacity and demand in the domestic market. To fill the gap the industry has to double itself at least every five years.

Also with the Automotive mission 2007-2016 (which aims to make India a global hub for manufacturing and designing automobiles) gathering steam, the foundry unit members feel the supply demand ratio may further skew in the coming years, if the supply side is not taken care of.

To address the concern of foundry units and encourage entrepreneurs make investment in the foundry units, 59th Indian Foundry Congress was organised in Chandigarh. The three day fair started from February 11 coupled with IFEX and Cast India Expo exhibitions aims to sensitise entrepreneurs, policy makers and all those who matter to work in unison for this goal.

Mr Naresh Garg added that the theme of the congress was resurgence India. He said that “The congress would cover an array of subjects including modern foundry technology, equipments, processes, management, quality engineering. India has reached the second spot in the world rank of casting production.”

Mr Garg maintained, the 59th Congress would attract 1,300 registered delegates and over 5,000 visitors. There would be over 250 exhibitors with major participation from Germany, Italy, Japan, China and Taiwan.
