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Foundry Technology is No Old Iron

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Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011Aalen- Foundry Technology is no old Iron, was backed up by the Aalener high school with a focused study in foundry technology. The professor in charge is Prof.Dr. Lothar Kallien, who invites German foundry technology elites to Barbara Colloquium in the city of Kocherstadt year round. The high school has a reputation of following foundry men through out the German Republic, and it's the 8th time this year with a record of 200 visits made to these specialists. "The high school has a good reputation," justified Kallien with encouragement. The second reason, he views that there is an everlasting important role of the foundry technology and that science and research is still going strong. He emphasizes and supports his assertion of the new development of Volkswagen cast-iron motor blocks, which are so thinly casted, that with its total weight, it measures up to an aluminium motor but contains the benefits of gray cast iron.

High school director Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schneider sees a good tradition in the Colloquium, as the multitudes of contribution gives an up to date insight of research. The high school is a certification to him of a dynamic development.

In related lectures, speakers are confronted with specific questions about foundry technology. Those who have spoken, Dipl. Ing. Ulrich Petschmann from Dusseldorf Institue for Foundry Technology on energy and material efficiency, Prof. Dr. Neils Skat Tiedje (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby) on flow-calming casting systems in iron casting and Dr. Carolin Wallenhorst ( Ashland-Südchemie-Kernfest GmbH, Hilden) who presented the latest results in the development of inorganic binder systems and especially interesting for students, was  the presentation by technology consultant, Dr. Wolfgang (Stuttgart) with the theme, "Be a foundry engineer- thoughts on a career choice."

At the foundry evening held in the foundry laboratory of the university, Prof. Kallien's students then made contributions from their own bachelor's work.

Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011 Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011 Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011
Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011 Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011 Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011
Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011 Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011 Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011
Barbara Kolooqium Aalen 2011

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Barbara Kolloqium Aalen 2011