
Foseco Turkey Presents it´s News on the Ankiros 2014

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This year Foseco presents itself on the Ankiros 2014 in Istanbul to around 15.000 expected Visitors with a new stand design. Foseco uses the 12th international Iron-Steel and Foundry technology Trade Fair as perfect platform of the metallurgic section to introduce economic and ecological valuable innovations out of the Foundry branch to all interested people from 40 Countries around the world. From 11 to 13th of Sept. 2014 there are 15 Foseco employees in Hall 3 at the stand D130 / E160 for all requests.

A highlight of the event this year will be the world's first public presentation of the new automatic pouring process with stopper rod "UCERAM". The targets of this comprehensive concept are:

  • Predictive control
  • Operator safety
  • Pouring consistency
  • Traceability and process control
  • Robust design
  • Casting Yield and Casting quality

Additional information for the Ankiros will be provided on the Foseco website <link http: tr end-markets foundry foseco-home _blank external-link-new-window external link in new> For a better orientation Visitors get there an interactive floor plan and newest corporate and product brochures. An exhibition booklet will be provided before the event starts. It supplies an overview of planned Foseco lectures and a list of employees that helps to find the right contact person.

read more.....<link file:7605 _blank download file>Foseco_UCERAM_GB_2014_05_13.pdf


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