
Customer Days 2023 at Gießerei Heunisch GmbH

Energy transition: "Complaining doesn't help - we face the challenges".

Reading time: min
Thomas Fritsch, Chief Editor

Heunisch Gießerei GmbH had invited its good customers to the tranquil town of Bad Windsheim for an exchange, an excellent opportunity for information and discussion about the pressing problems in the industry.
An interesting programme of lectures on the topic of the energy transition, a panel discussion with federal and state politicians, a hearty Franconian dinner and a visit to the new sand dump in the surrounding vineyards of the region were all part of the supporting programme.

The foundry industry plays a key role

In her welcoming speech, Dr. Christiane Heunisch-Grotz, Managing Partner at Heunisch, already prepared the participants for the challenges facing SMEs in Germany, whereby the foundry industry takes on the role of a key industry that accounts for 1% of the value added in the Federal Republic of Germany, but with its products from the various processes forms the prerequisite for 99% of the production in the country.
But it is precisely the companies in the foundry industry that are currently having to contend with a great many imponderables. High energy and material costs, the shortage of skilled workers and skilled labour as well as the high demands of politics for CO2 reduction in the fight against climate change and the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act, among other things, increase the bureaucratic effort enormously.
"Complaining doesn't help" the managing director calls out to her customers, noting that Heunisch is facing up to the issues of the future and looking ahead. For example, the company was the first foundry in Germany to publish a sustainability report.
Incidentally, customers are also asking for information about the CO2 reduction measures in dialogue and questionnaires.

A real investment in the future is the Heunisch foundry's new sand dump, which is in the process of being built and will soon be put into operation after a tough approval process and major investments. This is a clear commitment to Germany as a production location despite all the hurdles and obstacles.

Heunisch sales manager Thomas Laue then led through the varied programme, which included the following presentations:

Impulse lecture Dampfkugel                                                     
Dr. Pillkahn, PROASSORT GmbH

Development on the energy market                                                 
Dr. Schimansky, BDGuss

German foundry industry                                                     
Mr. Gerhäuser, Heunisch GmbH

Mr. Eckl, Heunisch GmbH

Development on the scrap market                                                  
Dr. Pillkahn, PROASSORT GmbH

Panel discussion                                                                   
The energy transition from the perspective of industry and politics

Barbara Fuchs (Greens), Dr. Christian Schimansky (BDGUSS), Carsten Träger (SPD), Kai Kowalewsky (Bitzer), Tobias Winkler (CSU) and Dr. Christiane Heunisch-Grotz

There was no question that there was enough material for discussion and enabled the participants to have a broad spectrum of views. In particular, Dr. Christian Schimansky, as a participant of BDGuss, focused on the concerns of German foundries and called for a legally regulated bridge electricity price for the energy-intensive foundry industry. In the exciting panel discussion with state and federal politicians, he also pointed out glaring competitive disadvantages for German foundries, such as the excessive bureaucracy.
Customer representative Kai Kowalewsky (Bitzer Kältetechnik) confirmed that potential foundry customers naturally look around the world market, although they greatly appreciate the quality and reliability of German companies. In line with the industry, the entrepreneur added clearly to politicians in the panel discussion: "The way Germany is behaving economically at the moment is frightening".

It was only good that the event, which was characterised by Franconian hospitality, also had plenty of glimmers of hope to offer, and after the successful evening event on the next day, the landfill site tour and foundry tour formed a positive conclusion.

About the Heunisch GmbH foundry in Bad Windsheim

At the Bad Windsheim site, Heunisch GmbH produces machine-moulded castings from GJL and GJS.
- Casting weights: from 20 kg to 600 kg
- Series from 500 pieces to 50,000 pieces per year
- Agricultural industry: e.g. the complete drive, axle range
- Air and refrigeration compressor construction: e.g. compressor blocks, bearing covers
- Commercial vehicle industry: e.g. differential housings, gearbox housings
- Drive technology: e.g. cylinder heads, crankcases, wheel housings
- Construction machinery: e.g. vibratory plates, gearbox housings
- Marine technology: e.g. shaft bearing blocks, gearbox housings, thrust bearings
- Valve and hydraulic pump manufacturers: e.g. hydraulic blocks, oil guide housings

Heunisch employs over 1200 people at a total of four locations.


Company Info

Gießerei Heunisch GmbH Bad Windsheim

Westheimerstr. 6
91438 Bad Windsheim

Telephone: +49 (0) 9841 / 408 - 0
