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ASK Chemicals GmbH signs the Diversity Charter

The ASK Chemicals Group supports the Charta of Diversity and sets an example for more diversity and equal opportunities in the working environment.

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By signing the Diversity Charter, ASK Chemicals is setting a groupwide clear sign for diversity, equal opportunities, and tolerance in the working environment. The chemical company emphasizes the appreciation of all employees regardless of gender and identity, nationality, ethnicity, religion or ideology, disability, age or sexual orientation. 

Diversity in the workplace offers companies valuable opportunities. Diverse, multi-faceted teams bring together different perspectives, expertise, and backgrounds. They are more creative and effective than homogeneously composed teams. Projects, products, and services developed by such teams are usually more successful. 

Frank Goede, CEO: “As a global company, we already live a diverse and well-established culture of diversity. We stand for a world-open togetherness and actively support the principles and goals of the Diversity Charter.” 

Rudi Nerinckx, CHRO: "Cultivating and living an organizational culture that is characterized by mutual respect and appreciation of all our employees is crucial to us. Because it makes all the difference - for the satisfaction of our employees and the success of our company." 

The ASK Chemicals Group wants to further foster the diversity already practiced in the company and cultivate a prejudice-free working environment in the ASK Chemicals Group. 

Company Info

ASK Chemicals GmbH

Reisholzstrasse 16 - 18
40721 Hilden

Telephone: +49 (0)211 / 711 03 85
