
Armin Papperger new Chairman of KSPG's Supervisory Board

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The Supervisory Board of KSPG, a member of the Rheinmetall Group, has elected Armin Papperger as its new Chairman. Since January 1, 2013 CEO of Rheinmetall AG, he succeeds Klaus Eberhardt who after almost 15 years in office, has stepped down from the positions of Board Chairman and Board member.

The Supervisory Board thanks Klaus Eberhardt for his longstanding and successful work on behalf of the company.

KSPG AG's 12-member Supervisory Board has the following new members: Georg Duffner representing the stockholders, and Murat Küplemez, the employees. Board Vice-Chairman is still Dr. Rudolf Luz, Union Secretary on the Executive Board of the Metalworkers' Union IG Metall in Frankfurt.

KSPG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rheinmetall AG, the parent company of Rheinmetall's Automotive sector. Specialized in emission-control and fuel-reduction components, KSPG has 40 locations in Europe, the Americas, China, Japan and India which together employ a worldwide workforce of 12,000.

Press contact:
Folke Heyer
Head of Communications
Tel. +49 7132 33 3148

Quelle: KSPG
