Ankiros 2014 Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses


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Ankiros 2014 “12th International Iron-Steel and Foundry Technology, Machinery and Products Trade Fair”, Annofer 2014 “11th International Non-Ferrous Metals Technology, Machinery and Products Trade Fair” and Turkcast 2014 “6th Foundry Products Trade Fair” organized by Hannover-Messe Ankiros A.S. between September 11-13 at Tuyap Fair and Congress Center in Istanbul in halls 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

The fairs started on 11 September 2014 at 10:30 with the opening ceremony. After the speeches of Mr. Ibrahim Anil, Executıve Dırector And General Manager of Hannover Messe Ankiros Fuarcılık A.Ş., Mr. Wolfgang LENARZ, Senior Vice President of Global Fairs - Deutsche Messe AG, Dr. Timo WÜRZ, General Secretary of CECOF / CEMAFON and Director of EUnited Metallurgy, Mr. Vinod KAPUR, President of WFO – World Foundry Association, PROF. DR. Ahmet Macit ÖZENBAŞ, Chairman Of The Organizing Committee of 17th International Metallurgy & Materials Congress, Mr. Tunçay ŞULAN, Chairman Of The Board of UCTEA - Chamber Of Metallurgical Engineers, Mr. Ali PANDIR , Member of High Consultation Council of T.C.U.D - Turkish Steel Producers Association and Chairman of Board of Erdemir Group, Mr. Uğur KOCAOĞLU, Chairman of the Board of TUDOKSAD - Turkish Foundrymen’s Association, the fairs opened its doors for three days for visitors. On the opening day Minister for Economics, Labor and Transport of Lower Saxony, Germany, Mr. Olaf L es also visited the fairs and had fruitful meetings with various exhibitors. Although the exhibitions were shortened to 3 days due to our exhibitors requests the number of visitors increased around 2%. This year 2.059 international, total of 16.015 visitors from 77 countries had a chance to meet total of 975 exhibitors from 41 countries.

During this global gathering of Metallurgy Industry ANKIROS/ANNOFER/TURKCAST 2014, the exhibitors and the visitors had the chance to learn the latest technology and products, to establish new business connections, to strengthen current business connections and to enter into new local and international markets. Being one of the most important events in the world, the ANKIROS/ANNOFER/TURKCAST 2014 fairs ended successfully.


Since 1992, years of careful integration and construction by a professional team, the exhibition scale and level continues to increase, making the fairs a highly anticipated choice for foundry, iron&steel and non-ferrous metals industries. Since the first exhibition in 1992, the exhibitor number grew 9 times and reached to 975 exhibitors.


This year one of the most important progresses is the increase of the number of exhibitors compare to 2010 and 2012. Total of 975 exhibitors, 369 local and 606 international companies exhibited this year.


At the ANKIROS/ANNOFERTURKCAST fairs, some of the leading suppliers of global metallurgy industry such as Germany, Italy, Spain, China, United Kingdom and Iran showcased in the country pavilions which are supported by their governments. The number of exhibitors by country is listed below.


Net stand area has been increased by 15 times when compared to 1992 and 4 times when compared to 2001. Comparing to 2012, the net stand area has increased by 6.3%.


To provide a better service in the future on the last date of the fair, an exhibitor survey was done by the organizer HannoverMesse Ankiros Fuarcilik A.S. The results of the survey are indicated below; According to the survey 79% of the exhibitors export and 5% are planning. The most exported areas are Europe, Asia and Middle East. The major aims of the exhibitors were resulted as;

Therefore, the exhibitors of ANKIROS/ANNOFER/TURKCAST 2014 have measured the success of the show with the range of technology and products, the quality of visitors and overall success in achieving their objectives for the show. According to this objective and success criteria:


The ANKIROS/ANNOFER/TURKCAST 2014 fairs were visited by 16,015 sector professionals from 77 countries. Although the fairs were shortened from 4 days to 3 days, the number of the visitors was increased by 2%.


Other than the visitors who came by the invitations from the exhibitors or by personal interest, delegations arranged by the organizer from Germany, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, India, Iran, Czech Republic, Ghana and Sweden visited ANKIROS/ANNOFER/TURKCAST 2014 fairs. Apart from this the exhibitors had a chance to have B2B meetings with the buyers arranged by the Buyer’s Mission Program coordinated by Republic of Turkey - Ministry of Economy, from Yemen, Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Iran, Bosnia, Moldova, Sudan and Tunisia. The number of visitors by their origin of countries is shown below;

Within Turkey, again coordinated by the organizer, the free shuttle services from a lot of cities of Anatolia made visiting very easy for the visitors. The visitors came from 63 different cities from Turkey. The number of the visitors by the cities they came from is listed below;


The sector fields of attendants who visited ANKIROS/ANNOFER 2014 in halls 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are shown in the chart below. These statistics do not include TURKCAST 2014 data.


The visitor’s job profiles who visited ANKIROS/ANNOFER 2014 in halls 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are shown in the chart below.


The distribution of ANKIROS/ANNOFER 2014 visitors according to their company’s nature of work are shown below;


The sector fields of attendants who visited TURKCAST 2014 in hall 7 are shown in the chart below. These statistics do not include ANKIROS/ANNOFER 2014 data.


The visitor’s job profiles who visited TURKCAST 2014 in hall 7 are shown in the chart below.


After evaluating ANKIROS / ANNOFER 2014 and TURKCAST 2014 exhibitions separately in previous sections, the following statistics are obtained from the common data of 3 events. The distribution of visitor’s job functions can be examined from the table below.

The distribution of visitors of ANKIROS/ANNOFER/TURKCAST 2014 fairs by their purpose of visit is shown below;

The distribution of ANKIROS/ANNOFER/TURKCAST 2014 visitors according to their fields in the sector is as follows;


The fairs were supported by very important organizations both local and domestic. The list of local and international supporters of ANKIROS / ANNOFER/ TURKCAST 2014;

  • TUDOKSAD- Turkish Foundry Association,
  • UCTEA - Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers,
  • TCUD - Turkey's Iron- Steel Produces Association,
  • KOSGEB – Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization,
  • Republic of Turkey – Ministry of Economy,
  • Turkish Steel –Steel Exporters Association,
  • Turkish Machinery Promotion Group,
  • CEMAFON - The European Foundry Equipment Suppliers Association,
  • EUnited - The European Engineering Industries Association,
  • VDMA - German Engineering Federation,
  • CECOF - The European Committee of Industrial Furnace and Heating Equipment Associations,
  • AMAFOND - The Italian Foundry Machinery and Products Association,
  • FESA - Foundry Equipment Supplies Association of UK,
  • FUNDIGEX - The Castings Exporter’s Association of Spain.


ANKIROS/ANNOFER/TURKCAST 2014 Fairs hosted two congresses in the same venue that addressed the recent scientific and technologic developments in the metallurgy industry. “17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress” organized by UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers and “7th International Ankiros Foundry Congress” organized by TUDOKSAD-Turkish Foundry Association These congresses offered an opportunity to discuss new products and studies, latest research results and challenges of the metallurgy industry.

17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress

The “17th International Metallurgy and materials Congress” took place between 11-13th September in TUYAP Fair and Congress Center İstanbul. Organized by UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgıcal Engineers, TUDOKSAD Turkish Foundry Association and Hannover Messe Ankiros Fuarcilik A.S., the congresses and the fairs gathered the metallurgy and materials industry. The event became an organization that fulfilled all the attendants’ expectations. With the attendance of the academicians, researchers, students, engineers and businessman, these events created a platform to share knowledge and experience, to evaluate the technological and sectorial development in the world and our country, communication and social interaction between sector colleagues. During the “17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress” 166 presentation from 15 countries was made and 800 attendants visited. The visitors from Germany, USA, Azerbaijan, UAE, Bulgaria, Algeria, Spain, Sweden, Japan, Kosovo, Luxemburg, Hungry, Macedonia and Romania atte d to IMMC 2014 congress. In the IMMC congress, important information about the latest scientific and technical studies in a large spectrum, chance to meet in an international platform and exchange knowledge and experience was provided to the attendees.

7th International Foundry Congress

The “7th International Ankiros Foundry Congress” has been realized successfully between 11-13th September in TUYAP Istanbul Fair Congress & Convention Center, Hall 7. This year, the congress has been held in the exhibition area and as open to the all visitors second time. In total 48 oral presentations and 14 poster presentations have been realized in the congress and the 17 oral presentations from 8 different countries have bring our congress’ international importance and the common denominators of foundry sector to the fore. In total 10 sessions have been realized and the session themes have been defined as: Competitiveness of Foundry Sector, Casting Technologies Iron&Steel, Casting Technologies Non Ferrous, Mould and Core Technologies, Process and Control, Environment and Occupational Safety. 7th International Ankiros Foundry Congress has hosted delegations from different countries as it used to be in the previous congresses. The delegation of Swedish Foundry Association has visited our congress and vario s foundries and guests from German Foundry Association and WFO were hosted worthily to Turkish hospitality. In addition, delegations from China Foundry Association and Indian Agra Iron Foundries Association have visited our congress and were quite satisfied.

Within the scope of Foundry Congress, we have hosted three art exhibitions which investigate the casting related art practices in Turkey with many different works as: Bihrat Mavitan - Cast Sculptures Exhibition, Zeynep Atik Miniscalco Painting & Sculpture Exhibition and Haluk Perk Museum - The Anatolian Early Bronze Age Collective Artifacts. Also the 3rd Casting’s Photography Contest with cooperation of Photographic Arts Federation of Turkey (PAFT) for the first time.



ELKEM AS / Norway:
“Ankiros was a very interesting exhibition. The Turkish Foundry market seems to be booming.
Many foundries are investing for expansion and to modernize their plant”

Braun Maschinenfabrik / Austia, Manuel Bachmair:
After 2012, the Austrian company BRAUN Maschinenfabrik, leading supplier of high-performance abrasive saws and high-pressure grinding machines, was again present at the ANKIROS in Istanbul. BRAUN shared a booth with their Turkish sales representative, Messrs. INTEKNO and was able to present state-of-the-art technologies for cutting and grinding of various steel products to visitors from Turkey and other countries. The customers were keen to learn about BRAUN’s complete range of products and services (apart from the above-mentioned core machines, BRAUN also offers turn-key solutions including the associated material handling equipment and automation systems, as well as a wide range of professional services from planning engineering for feasibility studies to a comprehensive after-sales support), as well as to hear about the 2 large-scale traverse abrasive saws which BRAUN is going to install at the new bar mill of KARDEMIR, one of Turkey’s major steel companies. All in all, the participation in the ANKIROS 2014 was a successful one for BRAUN as many new, interesting inquiries were received and it was also possible to introduce the name BRAUN to a broader public within the Turkish metals industry.

Gustav Eirich Machinery /  Germany, Mr. Gerald Feuerstein:
“Turkey is traditionally one of the most important foreign markets for Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich. Therefore we went with great expectations in the past to Ankiros Fair 2012, but our expectations were not met and it was decided to attend with reduced staff and smaller exhibits together with the local representation, Expert – to hit 2014 full on.
This year, the conclusion of the Eirich is much better, but still not satisfactory. we were visited by many existing customers, some of whom spoke of new projects within the next 1-2 years, and want to make system improvements in the near future. Project requests from new customers, however, were unfortunately the exception.
We were completely surprised by a significant number of visitors from Iran. A good 50% of the fair contacts result in of prospective clients from that country. It has been reported in the hopes that economic sanctions will be eased by the new government in Iran and economic investment in the European sector can continue in the future.
On the whole, we are satisfied with the show and hope to continue doing good business with our Turkish and Near Eastern customers. “

Maicopresse S.P.A /  Italy

"The Ankiros has been a welcome opportunity to meet our customers and exchange opinions upon the latest technologies recently featured by Maicopresse and broadcast through the web and the social networks as a preview. To meet in person always gives a deeper perspective about how to deal with the expectations of the market and we hope in a future development of events such as the Ankiros, in order to increase the affluence and have the chance to meet in person more new potential partners."

Teknotherm / Mr. Lutfu AKALIN:
“We had a successfull fair. although the number of the visitors of the fair could be more , we had both existing and new potential customers who were interested for the quality of our products.
WE feel it will be better if this fair would be organized once every three year.”   <link mail window for sending>Opens window for sending

Konrad Rump / Germany, Heinz Neise, Chief Sales Officer and Authorized Signatory :
„For the first time we have exhibited our products at the Ankiros foundry fair in Istanbul. Great interest in our Products. Our expectations were more than fulfilled.“

Lauds Foundry Equipment / South Africa
“We feel we benefitted by attending Ankiros due to our partnership with Indemak who represent us with our full range of Foundry Equipment, the launch of new products and to ensure we maintain a one on one relationship with current and possible future clients.
We have attended the show many times over the past years but this was the first time we exhibited and worked on the show. I believe the Turkish and neighboring markets offer Lauds Foundry Equipment (PTY) Ltd and Lauds Foundry Equipment GmbH a market open to support, and being an OEM we can offer service and support direct to the end user with overall support from Indemak.
We have always been impressed by the show, however we did not feel there were as many feet as previous years.”


