Foundry Corporate News Topic Chemicals Topic Enviroment, Energy & Safety

A breath of Fresh Air with ASK CHemicals

The foundry supplier presents its solutions for eliminating emissions at the Formstoff-Forum on March 7th-8th, 2018 in Aachen.


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More and more foundries are faced with the challenge of eliminating emissions without sacrificing material properties, productivity or economic efficiency. The reasons for this need are many. Regulatory requirements for keeping the air and the workplace clean and complaints of the environment - eg. As the neighbors - are the main drivers for the progressive call for ever lower-emission production processes. ASK Chemicals will be presenting its solutions to these challenges at this year's Formstoff-Forum, the central meeting point for the German-speaking foundry industry.

Efficient solutions from foundry chemistry
From an early stage, ASK Chemicals has recognized the need to develop low-emission yet efficient solutions. The company's portfolio today includes emission-free and emission-reduced products such as water-based lubricants, binders, additives, release agents or feed solutions. The inorganic INOTECTM technology and the ECOCURETM BLUE cold box technology make a special contribution to the reduction of emissions in the foundry.

The INOTECTM technology shows its potential particularly in highly productive and demanding segments such as the production of engine blocks and cylinder heads in low-pressure aluminum die casting and gravity die casting. The technology has been used by all leading automotive foundries for several years. A significant advantage over organic core manufacturing processes is the reduction or even avoidance of odors and emissions (decomposition products, condensates) during core manufacturing, core storage and casting processes. As a result, not only air treatment measures can be saved, but also maintenance and cleaning costs of the metal molds can be significantly reduced. In the field of iron or steel casting, INOTECTM technology has also made progress in recent years, but is not yet ready for mass production there. Dr. Felix Mück, Laboratory Manager Inorganics Iron & Steel and Dr. Ing. Christian Appelt, Global Incubator Business Manager Inorganics at ASK Chemicals, will present the current state of development of INOTECTM technology for cast iron at the Forming Forum in Aachen and give an outlook on future developments.

With the "ECOCURETM BLUE" technology, foundries can reduce emissions and comply with the currently required limit values in organic mass production. ECOCURETM BLUE is the world's only cold box system, part 1 of which is free of hazardous substance labeling. Practical examples prove that the use of this binder technology significantly reduces BTX emissions. For example, a well-known foundry achieved a binder reduction of 22%, a reduction in BTX emissions in the casting process by 66%, and a BTX reduction in used sand of 34%. The "ECOCURETM BLUE" technology was developed for applications in iron and steel casting as well as in aluminum sand casting. The low-emission solution for aluminum chill casting was launched on the market in 2017 under the name ECOCURETM SILVER.

Recirculated air cleaning with the start-up xpuris
In the context of the technological limitations of organic binder technologies, which will always release emissions, ASK Chemicals has decided to go one step further in optimizing its foundry chemical products, which will help foundries, the challenges of emissions and to overcome occupational exposure limits. With the founding of its start-up xpuris, the foundry supplier wants to "rethink exhaust air purification". 

The modular system xpuris almost completely reduces emissions in the foundry process. The UVR technology replicates the self-cleaning mechanisms of the earth's atmosphere and accelerates them up to 1,000 times. During the treatment phases, the pollutants in the exhaust air are decomposed into harmless reaction products, which are easily eliminated from the exhaust air stream. Depending on requirements, xpuris can remove various components from the exhaust air, eg. B. in a cold box core production in addition to amines and TOC. The emissions are collected at the different sources and then purified sequentially or in parallel with different xpuris filter units. Depending on the pollution load, the performance of the individual xpuris filter units can be reduced or increased. Using sensors and state-of-the-art control technology, energy-efficient exhaust air purification is achieved "on demand", which lowers the foundry's operating costs.

Frank Lenzen, technical product manager Cold-Box-Binder at ASK Chemicals, and Dirk Kiele-Dunsche, CEO at xpuris, discuss the combined use of "ECOCURETM BLUE" technology in their joint presentation titled "Economic Solutions for Emissions Control in Foundries" with innovative exhaust air technology and show the potential - especially for medium-sized foundries.

The team of ASK Chemicals and xpuris is looking forward to an interesting exchange with customers and all those who want to "get a breath of fresh air" in the future.

Company Info

ASK Chemicals GmbH

Reisholzstrasse 16 - 18
40721 Hilden

Telephone: +49 (0)211 / 711 03 85
