Fairs and Congresses Foundry Corporate News

71st World Foundry Congress 2014 -Bilbao Spain

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The cultural city of Bilbao, Spain was the setting for the 71st World Foundry Congress which took place from the 19th-21st of May at the impressive Euskalduna Conference Center.

For those who had never visited Spain before, this was an intriguing opportunity to visit
the historic Spanish sites and enjoy the various Tapas delicacies. Since the World Foundry Congress took place at the same time frame as the Metal China in Beijing, not all metalcasters and foundrymen who would have liked to come were able to attend.

The event was hosted by the Tabira Foundry Institute, World Foundry Organization and IK4-Azterlan which focused on the theme, “Advanced Sustainable Foundry.”

Professionals from over 32 countries convened at the WFC for an extensive program of conferences, industrial visits, a single foundry exhibition and lectures with opportunities to ask questions.

According to the WFC, one of the main purposes of this event is to bring the industry together, share information and experiences on a business and technical level and learn about the latest technological advancements and experiences.

This became evident when an individual stood up in a full lecture room, took the microphone and said, “We are all different. We all come different countries, but let us all learn from each other in order to move forward.”

The 72nd World Foundry Congress is to be held in Nagoya, Japan, on 21-25th May 2016.

Best Paper Award Results:

1st Place
Dana Cooper, Fairmount Minerals Ltd. Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA.
Sustainability is the Key Driver of Innovation

2nd Place
Jaime Prat, ASK Chemicals Spain, Getxo, Spain.
Net/Gross yield optimization on high value added steel casting

3rd Place
U. Petzchmann, ifG - Institut für GieBereitchnik, Düsseldorf, Germany
Active cooling of resin bonded moulds to reduce the cooling time of
heavy- section castings without loss of casting quality.

Best Young Paper Award:
Giovanni di Muoio, Global Castings A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark
Critical Control Variable for the Coating Process of Furan Bonded San
with Water Based Foundry Coatings

Garikoitz Artola, IK4-AZTERLAN, Durango, Spain
Fracture characterizationof new generation ferritic spheroidal cast

Representatives Introduced at the Opening Ceremony:
Mr. Andrew Turner (World Foundry Organization) Mr. Imanol Pradales (Biscay Executive Council) Ms. Arantza Tapia (Basque Goverment) Mr. Ibon Areso (City of Bilbao) Mr. Vinod Kapur (World Foundry Organization President) Mr. Rafael de la Peña (FENAF) Mr. Juan Leceta (Tabira Foundry Institute)

