
20 years Wind Energy: What's Next?

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Dr. Charles Tragl, CEO of Bosch Rexroth AG, " Cost of Energy 'will define the success of wind energy in the coming years. "

The Electric Power Feed Law 1991 made the wind energy in Germany marketable. Twenty years later, the Energy Mix in several countries all over the world isn't indispensable, and has established itself as one of the most sustainable forms of energy.

Bosch Rexroth belongs those companies that have the potential of this emerging technology from the very beginning . Long before the wind energy was fully industrialized, Bosch Rexroth dealt with the idea of ​​converting the rotational energy extracted from the wind into electrical energy. "Already after 80 years we have developed gearboxes for wind turbines and helped the young industry, it helped to be competitive," says Dr. Karl Tragl, CEO of Bosch Rexroth AG.

It was necessary to overcome numerous challenges from the beginning, and those especially with reliability. With the ever increasing importance of the economy , wind turbines generate the most modern drive technology and reliable electric energy at decreasing electricity production costs. The "Cost of Energy" in the coming years will determine the success of wind energy and thus the success of the acting company. It has become the focal point of an industry that is increasingly under pressure to prove themselves as economically sustainable.

Another aspect is the service strength, which has the life requirement of 20 years or more and has increased in importance. It is determined by the extent, quality and individuality of the service and maintenance. In recent years the picture of the wind turbine has changed: From small windmills with lattice and performance from only a few hundred kilowatts up to 200-meter high-tech plants with capacities of 7.5 MW. And the establishments of the future will not only be on land but also on and in the sea. Experts estimate that the annual average wind strength at seas blows around the wheels ten meters per second, which is about force 5 to 6. They also expect that the rotors rotate on average 3800 full load hours per year. For comparison: On a good land site for wind turbines, the wind is blowing with only about five meters per second at just 2,500 full load hours.

Until wind energy worldwide and coverage can make a significant contribution to meeting energy needs, this will set the industrial regions of the world energy to a locally adapted mix. It is made from fossil fuels, possible nuclear energy and availabe renewable energy sources. Thanks to its technical maturity of the wind energy, in which it already plays a significant role.

